We are Moniteurs, an interdisciplinary design studio, focused on orientation, corporate design and digital products. Since our foundation in 1994, we have realized many national and international projects with our team of now 18 people.


We are de­sign­ers and we de­sign our en­vi­ron­ment – vi­su­ally. Our work is char­ac­terised by in­tense, con­tin­u­ous di­a­logue with our clients. Our top pri­or­ity is to get to the heart of a lo­ca­tion or a cor­po­rate iden­tity, bring­ing with us only the high­est qual­ity of de­sign. This in­spires us to de­velop in­di­vid­ual so­lu­tions that seam­lessly com­bine de­sign and func­tion.


In the process we in­te­grate the dif­fer­ent com­pe­tences of our part­ners: me­dia con­cep­tion, cod­ing, mov­ing im­ages, cor­po­rate fonts. This al­lows us to de­velop well-thought-out con­cepts and we can en­sure the con­sis­tency of the re­al­i­sa­tion at all stages. When every­thing should func­tion dy­nam­i­cally and mod­u­larly, then every­thing should be de­vel­oped through a dy­namic and mod­u­lar process.


To­gether with our clients, we first work out the ob­jec­tives, and then the in­di­vid­ual com­mu­ni­ca­tion me­dia. Con­sul­ta­tion and con­cep­tion, par­tic­u­larly in the early stages of a pro­ject, are al­ways an es­sen­tial part of our work. To that end, in­ten­sive di­a­logue ex­change is an im­por­tant part of our phi­los­o­phy. No mat­ter what the pro­ject, we ap­ply to it the same level of in­ten­sity.


We are an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary team: com­mu­ni­ca­tion de­sign­ers from dig­i­tal and print me­dia work along­side ar­chi­tects and prod­uct de­sign­ers. We de­velop ori­en­ta­tion sys­tems and cor­po­rate de­sign con­cepts, de­sign ex­hi­bi­tions and trade fairs, print prod­ucts and dig­i­tal ap­pli­ca­tions. These ar­eas of work are closely in­ter­con­nected and the bound­aries are blurred. Dig­i­tal me­dia stands in re­la­tion to the over­all ap­pear­ance of a com­pany; every cor­po­rate de­sign also has spa­tial as­pects – in every area the iden­tity is re­flected. With our fo­cus on cor­po­rate de­sign and in­for­ma­tion de­sign, we want to in­form peo­ple, pro­vide con­tent, give them a bet­ter un­der­stand­ing, in­spire them and show them the way. Our main in­ter­est is in the sys­tem, the con­struc­tion of an over­ar­ch­ing con­cept that we can fol­low.


Since the found­ing of the com­pany in 1994, we have car­ried out many na­tional and in­ter­na­tional pro­jects to­gether, and our work is con­tin­u­ously con­firmed through pres­ti­gious de­sign awards. The part­ners also teach at var­i­ous uni­ver­si­ties at home and abroad. Our ex­pe­ri­ences and our net­works of pro­gram­ming, eval­u­a­tion and pro­duc­tion en­rich us, and we use the var­i­ous facets and knowl­edge gained from our years of ex­pe­ri­ence to in­crease the ef­fec­tive­ness of our work. At the same time, many things are in a state of con­tin­u­ous change, and so de­vel­op­ment and change are nat­u­rally a part of our work, al­low­ing in­no­v­a­tive so­lu­tions to arise.

Who we are
The Moni­teurs Team

Si­byl­le Schlaich
Dipl. De­sign, Busi­ness Man­age­ment
Hei­ke Nehl
Dipl. De­sign, Busi­ness Man­age­ment
Ani­ta Mei­er-Wal­ter
M.A. De­sign, MBA Ge­ne­ral Ma­nage­ment, As­so­cia­te
Head of Information Design
Anne von Bor­ries
Dipl.-Ing. Ar­chi­tecture and B.A. De­sign
Head of Design
Martin Bramer
Dipl. Industrial Design
Project Management and Product Design
Tim Niemann
Dipl. Design Product Design
Project Management and Product Design
Franziska Piesk
B.A. Business Communication
Project Management
Ste­fan Kan­ter
Communication Design
Bea­triz Reb­big
Di­pl. Communication Design
Conception and Communication Design
Jen­ni­fer Rei­dow
B.A. Communication Design 
Conception, Communication Design and UX/UI Ddesign
Anna König
B.A. Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on­ De­sign
UX/UI Design and Coding
Wolf­gang Scholz 
B.A. Communication Design, Dipl. Ing. Land Management, Infrastructure and Civil Engineering
Con­ception and Information Design
Annick Rietz 
M.A. Visual Communication
Con­ception and Information Design
Henning Roye 
Degree in Visual Communication
Communication Design

We’re hiring!

We are al­ways on the look­out for pas­sion­ate, friendly and en­gaged peo­ple to join our team. more info