hammeskrause architekten


hammeskrause ar­chitek­ten, an ar­chi­tec­tural of­fice from Stuttgart, is spe­cial­ized in pro­jects in the fields of in­dus­try, pub­lic build­ings, build­ings for care and health, and es­pe­cially in sci­ence and re­search build­ings with some­times highly com­plex re­quire­ments.

In 2018, a move to more mod­ern premises marked an in­ten­sive phase of fur­ther de­vel­op­ment – hammeskrause was look­ing for a part­ner to work with them on a sta­ble foun­da­tion and de­velop a con­tem­po­rary and mod­ern ex­ter­nal im­age.

hammeskrause ar­chitek­ten

Berlin 2019

zur Web­seite


hammeskrause ar­chitek­ten
Part­ner­schafts­ge­sellschaft freier Ar­chitek­ten mbB

Pro­gram­ming and techi­cal sup­port

One of the first milestones in our cooperation with hammeskrause was the definition of a new guiding idea. The needs of current and future partners, clients and potential applicants were researched in a workshop.

Realistic insights into the work, create understanding of work processes and points of view and are the basis for good communication.

The new website of hammeskrause tells architecture differently! Lively, varied stories, presented with strong images. Combined with a format mix of picture story, project sheet, interview, explanatory data blocks and infographics.

Complex things are simply explained: human, understandable, surprising. With sympathetic, authentic tonality and attitude, the website provides explorative as well as structured and filterable insights into the work of the architectural office.

A modular design system consisting of various components allows the architectural office a flexible and time-saving page structure in the backend of the website.