Deutsches Museum

Wayfinding System

Deutsches Mu­seum is an out­stand­ing lo­ca­tion for im­part­ing sci­en­tific and tech­ni­cal knowl­edge and for a con­struc­tive di­a­logue be­tween sci­ence and so­ci­ety. Es­tab­lished in 1903, it is steeped in tra­di­tion, and with a to­tal ex­hi­bi­tion space of 66,000 sqm, it is one of the largest in the world. Since Oc­to­ber 2015, a part of the ex­hi­bi­tions on the mu­seum is­land have been up­dated and re­designed.

Deutsches Mu­seum
Wayfind­ing in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal area

Mu­nich 2015–2025


Deutsches Mu­seum


66,000 sqm ex­hi­bi­tion space

1.4 mil­lions per year


Ste­fan Schilling


Eu­ro­pean De­sign Awards 2017, bronze
Iconic Awards 2017, Win­ner

Moniteurs’ signage concept for Deutsches Museum helps visualise and communicate the museum’s internal and external building structure and diversity of the collections to visitors of any age and background. Exhibitions are coded using different colors. Some museum areas are depicted using pictograms, which are easily understood by everyone.

The museum will undergo separate stages of extensive modernization and restructuring until 2025. The signage concept is planned in parallel to the construction process and must be able to respond to ongoing changes, as the museum will remain open to visitors throughout that time.

An extensive family of pictograms guides visitors through the building.
The pictograms of the guidance system are also used in the flux guide app for the Deutsches Museum for exploring and putting together tours, as well as for interactive orientation.