Carlswerk Köln
Wayfinding and Orientation System
In Cologne-Mülheim, a new location for culture and economy has been developing for several years. The Carlswerk offers a lively mix of business, services, gastronomy and culture. The area not only provides the tenants, the residents of the district, but all visitors a lively, exciting place. The heterogeneous development is summarized by the strong wayfinding system. Moniteurs has divided the site into roads and paths that are coded with bold colors. The entrance marks pick up these colors, thus ensuring easy orientation. The spatial orientation plan, shot in the respective viewing direction, gives a very good overview, over the wide terrain. Photos and texts on “history flags” explain the exciting history of the cable plant “Carlswerk”.
BEOS AG Niederlassung Rhein-Ruhr
Cologne 2018
125.000 sqm
Stefan Schilling