
Visitor Path

The Helmholtz Cen­tre in Berlin is one of the most fa­mous re­search cen­tres in the world. 2,500 of the great­est minds in sci­ence con­duct re­search here in the fields of ma­te­ri­als and en­ergy. Moni­teurs and Glaßer und Da­gen­bach land­scape ar­chi­tects drew on these top­ics and trans­formed the un­rep­re­sen­ta­tive dri­ve­way to the re­search cen­tre into a land­scape of waves. Waves are the com­mon de­nom­i­na­tor of en­ergy and mag­netic fields. Here they are ste­lae that guide the vis­i­tor to the re­search cen­tre and, along the way, pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about the cen­tre’s founders, its key ideas and its sub­jects of re­search. The ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem is here a land­mark that not only ori­ents, but deep­ens and builds an im­age in vis­i­tors’ minds. The benches, in­te­grated into the wave struc­ture, in­vite passers-by to stay a while.

Helmholtz Cen­tre Berlin
Vis­i­tor Ori­en­ta­tion and In­for­ma­tion Sys­tem Out­door area

Berlin 2010

Helmholtz-Zen­trum Berlin für Ma­te­ri­alien und En­ergie GmbH

Land­scape ar­chi­tec­ture

Glaßer and Da­gen­bach


500 m long
Photo Udo Da­gen­bach
Each stele shows an ab­stract in­fo­graphic of the re­search car­ried out by the Helmholtz Cen­tre Berlin.
Photo Udo Da­gen­bach
Elec­tro­mag­netic wave
Waves are the com­mon de­nom­i­na­tors of en­ergy and mag­netic fields. They are the fo­cus of re­search at the Helmholtz Cen­tre. The de­sign draws on the sine wave shape and flows above ground in the form of trimmed box­wood and stain­less steel ste­lae. The ste­lae rep­re­sent tech­nol­ogy, and are in sharp con­trast to the sur­round­ing en­vi­ron­ment.