Touristisches Leitsystem Berlin
The official tourist route guidance system of Berlin is to be extended. Moniteurs and the office PSY:PLAN were commissioned by the city of Berlin to conduct a comparative study. The aim was to analyze the tourist route guidance systems of ten major cities and to examine the extent to which the contents and concepts of other systems can be transferred to a guidance system in Berlin. The cities studied were Dresden, Potsdam, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Bristol, London, New York, Sydney, Vienna and Zurich.
A component of the comparison is the analysis and evaluation with the handling of the low barrier and inclusive requirement.
A competition was launched in the second half of 2016 to design the additional element of the information system.
Comparative study – 10 cities
Vandalism analysis
Innovative Technologies Accessibility
Berlin 2015
Green Berlin Foundation
Architectural psychology
PSY:PLAN Institute for
Architecture and Environmental Psychology

Phase 1 Extensive research on the internet via professional publications, collection of material such as photos, signage locations on the city guidance systems under study for subsequent analysis.

Phase 2 Workshop with responsible persons from Berlin.
As part of the comparative study, relevant stakeholders were involved at an early stage. Together, the procedure, the comparison criteria used, supplementary information, questions and special features were developed.

Phase 3
Interviews with responsible persons from the 10 cities – Interviews were conducted with 13 persons from the 10 cities. The focus of the exchange was on their experiences, especially regarding financing, maintenance, organization and vandalism.
In addition, personal interviews were conducted with responsible persons from the tourism industry in Berlin. Detailed information, data and facts about tourism in Berlin as well as in-depth information on the pedestrian traffic strategy, hints on chances and risks for a future information system in Berlin.

Phase 4
Informal survey of residents in the ten cities.
A short questionnaire was developed and evaluated. 23 people in the 10 cities participated in the survey.

Phase 5
Documentation of the study
A 500-page documentation was produced which, in addition to the comparative analysis of the cities according to selected criteria, examines aspects such as protection against vandalism, innovative developments, and the opportunities and risks of a tourist guidance system for Berlin.