Flughafen Frankfurt

Terminal Maps

Moni­teurs has re­vised the Ter­mi­nal Plan Ter­mi­nal 1 and Ter­mi­nal 2 in close co­op­er­a­tion with Frank­furt Air­port. Re­duced in con­tent, easy to read and clear, it helps pas­sen­gers to get an overview of the build­ings and lev­els. The most im­por­tant des­ti­na­tions and means of trans­port are shown, as well as the con­nec­tion to the rail­way. Gates and air­lines are as­signed to the two ter­mi­nals at a few se­lected lo­ca­tions in the build­ings, back­lit, al­ways in con­junc­tion with the air­line overview.

Frank­furt Air­port
Ter­mTerminal Maps


Fra­port AG