
City Orientation System

Adler­shof is Ger­many’s most mod­ern en­tre­pre­neur and tech­nol­ogy cen­tre, with over 900 com­pa­nies and or­gan­i­sa­tions from acad­e­mia, busi­ness and the me­dia. This di­ver­sity is re­flected in coloured signs that greet every vis­i­tor. To make it pos­si­ble to nav­i­gate from the cen­tral street of Rudower Chaussee, Moni­teurs, to­gether with prod­uct de­signer Axel Ku­fus, de­signed an ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem that bor­rows from the ar­che­type of the leg­i­ble sign: the clas­sic sign­post. For the signs, Moni­teurs adopted the ex­ist­ing colour cod­ing of each of the quar­ters of Adler­shof. A smaller sign at the top also shows the way to a cen­tral in­for­ma­tion point.

Ori­en­tie­rungs- und Leit­sys­tem

Ber­lin 2011

Ad­lers­hof Pro­jekt GmbH

Prod­uct De­sign
Axel Ku­fus

Tech­ni­cal De­vel­op­ment
con­zept GmbH

Ru­do­wer Chaus­see, 1,7 km