
Orientierungssystem Außenbereich

At Merck’s head­quar­ters in Darm­stadt, pro­duc­tion, re­search and ad­min­is­tra­tion are con­cen­trated on an area of 1.25 square kilo­me­ters. A road net­work 36 kilo­me­ters long con­nects more than 400 build­ings. 11,000 em­ploy­ees, de­liv­ery traf­fic and vis­i­tors come and go here every day. Our con­cept of the ad­di­tive sys­tem, which was al­ready in­stalled in the In­no­va­tion Cen­ter in 2017, has now been trans­lated into the out­door area.

Wayfind­ing sys­tem out­door area Ter­rain and traf­fic man­age­ment sys­tem



Merck KG


125 ha


Ste­fan Schilling

The “colourful” family with its striking types are well presented on the site. The colours and shapes are present and thus hold the site together with its various buildings from different architectural eras. The identity is already received at the gate to Merck and accompanies everyone safely throughout the entire site.

The build­ing and en­trance signs are yel­low. The first let­ter in­di­cates the po­si­tion on the site. If they are po­si­tioned higher up, they are clearly vis­i­ble even from a dis­tance.
The route be­gins right at the gates of Merck. The green ste­les point to var­i­ous des­ti­na­tions.

Signage is part of Merck’s overall communication, which takes place on many different levels. The design and content of the signage are consistent with the Merck brand principles and fit seamlessly into the company’s overall communication.

The in­for­ma­tion ter­mi­nals are al­ways po­si­tioned along main axes and im­por­tant ac­cess points. They pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about cur­rent events.
Large sign­posts with in­te­grated overview map. The plan marks the point of view and a cir­cle shows the run­ning time for pedes­tri­ans in the dif­fer­ent di­rec­tions.
Road signs for de­liv­ery traf­fic lead across the en­tire premises. The sign­post­ing cor­re­sponds to the StVO but is sup­ple­mented with the de­sign of the Merck mark­ing.