Flughafen Schönefeld

Orientation System

Schöne­feld Air­port has been in ex­is­tence since 1936, has been a civil­ian air­port since the 1950s, and has writ­ten his­tory with its location. And Schöne­feld will re­main in op­er­a­tion for at least five years af­ter the open­ing of the new Berlin Bran­den­burg Air­port. Ever more pas­sen­gers de­part from and ar­rive here, and it has just been en­larged to ac­com­mo­date 12 mil­lion pas­sen­gers a year. Moni­teurs has been com­mis­sioned to ex­tend the BER ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem to Schöne­feld Air­port.

Schöne­feld Air­port
Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem
In­te­rior and Ex­te­rior Ar­eas

Berlin from 2015


Flughafen Berlin Bran­den­burg GmbH


630 ha, 4 ter­mi­nals
Ca­pac­ity PAX per year
12 mil­lion pas­sen­gers planned


Ste­fan Schilling