

Moni­teurs ini­ti­ated the “In­fo­tracks” pro­ject in con­junc­tion with De­sign­mai 2006. It is a pho­to­graphic col­lec­tion of graph­ics and ty­pog­ra­phy seen in the ur­ban space of Berlin. As such it shows how sym­bols, colours and struc­tures shape a city and what vi­sual lan­guage the city speaks. In the web-based im­age archive, di­rec­tions are given from the Moni­teurs of­fice to the De­signcity ex­hi­bi­tion hall. The lo­ca­tion of each photo is recorded on a map of Berlin. The “vis­i­tor” re­traces the var­i­ous routes. He fo­cuses on var­i­ous themes. He dis­cov­ers trails and paths along which he moves every day.

Re­search Pro­ject

Berlin 2006


Joseph Binder Award 2006
BDG: Ty­poWet­tbe­werb – Ty­pog­ra­phy in a Pub­lic Space 2007
Eu­lda Award Win­ner 2007
The web pro­ject was pre­sented at De­sign­mai on an over­sized table us­ing a lap­top and pro­jec­tor.
For the pro­ject, Moni­teurs analysed the route from the of­fice to De­sign­mai im Post­bahn­hof on Luck­en­walder Straße.