How we do wayfinding

How orientation evolves

A guidance and orientation system or signage forms a meta-level that expands space with information. In many buildings, this information in the form of signposts or markings is a basic requirement in order to be able to orientate themselves in it at all. In airports, urban areas or museums with thousands of visitors per day, orientation systems are an important part of the overall communication. They contribute to the effective use of space, to the well-being of people and to the formation of identity.

People use a variety of strategies to reach their destinations. Some orient themselves consciously, using cognitive methods, others are more intuitive. For us, as wayfinding experts, this means that we put our orientation concepts on a broad basis. We create clear structures, we set emotional signals and develop an authentic design.

In the mu­seum with many thou­sands of vis­i­tors per day, the guid­ance sys­tem is a con­stant com­pan­ion in ex­plor­ing the space. Well de­signed, it con­tributes to the iden­tity of the build­ing.
Move­ment flows, mo­bil­ity con­cepts, nam­ing – these are the top­ics we are work­ing on in­ten­sively at the be­gin­ning of the pro­ject.
Not only are the tar­get points of the in­di­vid­ual user groups to be de­fined, the source points also play a ma­jor role in the de­sign of the guid­ance and ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem. Where do most vis­i­tors come from? Which ways do they go and what can be im­proved in the ori­en­ta­tion? Through in­for­ma­tion graph­ics we share our knowl­edge with our pro­ject part­ners and de­velop in­di­vid­ual con­cepts.
Vis­i­tor flows can vary de­pend­ing on the time of day. The con­trol sys­tem should take into ac­count all us­age sce­nar­ios.

By working together with builders, architects, operators and users on the conception, we create sustainable orientation systems that fulfill their task effectively and in the long term. They are user-friendly, they communicate corporate values, create identity and tell the story of a place. Analyzes, workshops and consultations form the basis for a concept, many questions are answered: What goals do I pursue with the control system? Which language do I speak, internationally, pictorially minimal? What is the mobility concept? How global is the system, which areas are included, which interfaces does it have? Which material should be used and why?

Because we like to think systematically and love contemporary design, we work with enthusiasm on orientation systems. We are Wayfinding experts! Our large pool of knowledge, participation in specialist conferences, trade fairs and meet-ups enable us to effectively plan complex orientation systems.

Interfaces to our other work areas are obvious: digital products support orientation, control systems are part of a higher-level fire strategy. Design concepts are comprehensive and, as a whole, develop a special power.