schlaich bergermann partner

High Energy Ausstellung

The ex­hi­bi­tion “High En­ergy – En­gi­neer Build­ing Cul­ture“ pre­sents the works of en­gi­neers Jörg Schlaich and Rudolf Berg­er­mann from al­most 40 years of prac­tice. The three key top­ics of the ex­hi­bi­tion are: con­struc­tion and art, con­struc­tion and so­ci­ety, con­struc­tion and ecol­ogy. Moni­teurs de­signed the con­cept and graph­ics of the ex­hi­bi­tion. Nu­mer­ous pro­ject ex­am­ples are shown on work­ing benches and archive ta­bles and on ex­tend­able graphic pan­els, giv­ing the viewer an un­der­stand­ing of the ground­break­ing ap­proach and the work­ings of the two en­gi­neers.

High En­er­gy
Ex­hi­bi­tion De­sign

Ber­lin 2010
Berlin 2010 Acad­emy of Arts, Pariser Platz

schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner GmbH
sinde 1994
For decades, slides were the de­ci­sive el­e­ment of Jörg Schlaich’s nu­mer­ous world­wide lec­tures – each com­posed anew over the light table.
The model of the so­lar up­ draft tower, with a di­am­e­ter of al­most 5 m, demon­strates how the tower func­tions.