Flughafen München

Further development of the overall concept for Terminal 1

In the build­ings Ter­mi­nal 1, Fo­rum of the Mu­nich Air­port Cen­ter (MAC) and Cen­tral Build­ing, the sig­nage is no longer uni­form and the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem has grown his­tor­i­cally over the years. Tech­ni­cal re­quire­ments and pas­sen­ger ex­pec­ta­tions have in­creas­ingly changed.

Mu­nich Air­port – Ter­mi­nal 1
Fur­ther de­vel­op­ment of the over­all con­cept Wayfind­ing sys­tem

since 2018


Flughafen München GmbH
Ca­pac­ity PAX per year (T1)
17 Mil­lio­nen


108.000 qm

Cover im­age

Flughafen München GmbH

As part of the “One Campus” strategy, Moniteurs brings the guidance and orientation system of Terminal 1 into line with that of Terminal 2 in terms of both visual appearance and content. In addition to comprehensive modernization, the most important challenge is to preserve the unique design feature – the Otl Aicher heritage.

How can a complex problem be solved creatively?
Within the preliminary planning, all locations of the signage were database-supported recorded and documented. With this holistic understanding of Terminal 1, MAC Forum, central building and multi-storey car parks, the existing signage system could be evaluated in a functional analysis. Future measures and solutions were developed in a concept.

The cur­rent process is ac­com­pa­nied by work­shops in which all stake­hold­ers are in­volved. The so­lu­tions fo­cus on pas­sen­gers and their needs.

Where will passengers be guided digitally in the future?
For all major international airports, digitisation is a top priority. In the future, the gates in the landside modules will be even more accessible via various security controls. This will necessitate dynamic, digital passenger routing that is suitable for capacity utilization. This will make the communication of waiting times at security checks and in digital media obligatory.

In the fu­ture, all dy­namic path re­la­tion­ships will be dig­i­tally sign­posted.

The new guidance system in Terminal 1 is i
ntended to preserve its classic identity features, design principles and integration into the architecture. Moniteurs is developing a system of the latest generation. In addition to reducing the number of signs by 25% as part of the project, 15% of all sign modules will in future be digital screens.