Filmgalerie 451

Filmgalerie 451 at Berlinale

Dur­ing the Berli­nale 2014 at the Berghain Kan­tine, the Film­ga­lerie 451 cel­e­brated the pre­mieres of four films: “The Airstrip” by Heinz Emigholz, “Three Stones for Jean Genet”, by Frieder Schlaich, “Every­thing that rises must con­verge” and “La Ul­tima Pec­ula”, by Raya Mar­tin and Mark Per­an­son. Moni­teurs de­signed a 16-page book­let as a per­sonal in­vi­ta­tion with pho­tog­ra­phy and graph­ics from the films, which was printed in lim­ited edi­tion on a Riso­graph. The Riso­graph prints with a par­tic­u­larly gen­tle sten­cil print­ing process in the style of screen print­ing, which makes it pos­si­ble to print with bright, beau­ti­ful colours.

Film­ga­le­rie 451 at Ber­li­na­le
Brochure De­sign

Film­ga­le­rie 451