Besucherzentrum Gärten der Welt

Exhibition design

On April 13 in 2017, the In­ter­na­tional Gar­den Ex­hi­bi­tion opened in Berlin! The new vis­i­tor cen­tre wel­comes vis­i­tors with an ex­hi­bi­tion about the Gar­dens of the World. Moni­teurs, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Su­sanne Ya­coub, won the com­pe­ti­tion and re­alised the pro­ject, from the ini­tial con­cept to the de­sign of the ex­hi­bi­tion. Like an is­land in the river, the ex­hi­bi­tion sculp­ture pre­sents the wide themes of the ten tra­di­tional gar­dens and the nine In­ter­na­tional Con­tem­po­rary Gar­den Cab­i­nets.

Vis­i­tor Cen­tre Gar­dens of the World
Ex­hi­bi­tion De­sign

Berlin 2017

Pro­ject Part­ner

Su­sanne Is­abel Ya­coub Land­schaft­sar­chitek­tur + Video


Grün Berlin, Land Berlin


WW+ ar­chitek­tur + man­age­ment


AIL – Cen­tral­stu­dio


200 sqm


Ste­fan Schilling
The ex­hi­bi­tion sculp­ture cre­ates an in­ter­play be­tween in­te­rior and ex­te­rior space.
Every vis­i­tor is wel­come! The ex­hi­bi­tion pre­sents the con­tent and ob­jects with­out bar­ri­ers. Sit­ting ar­eas in­vite you to linger. The low­est level leads the chil­dren through the world of ex­pe­ri­ence.
Ar­chi­tects, land­scape ar­chi­tects and artists are pre­sented on “card types”.
By pulling out the draw­ers, the in­ter­ested vis­i­tor can go deeper into in­di­vid­ual top­ics.
The light rods form a cloud over the ex­hi­bi­tion is­land and thus form a to­tal sculp­ture.
Quotes about gar­dens and na­ture al­low each vis­i­tor to quickly im­merse them­selves in the magic of the gar­dens.
Original objects illustrate the stories about the gardens.