Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz


This book, pub­lished by the type de­sign­ers Alexan­der Branczyk, Jutta Nachtwey, Heike Nehl, Sibylle Schlaich and Jür­gen Siebert, and de­signed by Moni­teurs, fea­tures por­traits of in­ter­na­tional type de­sign­ers and their lat­est fonts. emo­tion­al_dig­i­tal is both a ref­er­ence work and a guide to the fu­ture of type de­sign. Its lay­out is pre­cise and at­mos­pheric, al­low­ing each type to be shown with its full vi­sual po­ten­tial. Alexan­der Branczyk con­ducted stud­ies on two clas­sic fonts ex­clu­sively for this book.


Ver­lag Her­mann Schmidt Mainz
Mainz 1999

Alex­an­der Brandc­zyk
Jut­ta Nacht­w­ey 
Hei­ke Nehl
Si­byl­le Schlaich
Jür­gen Sie­bert
The book also con­tains con­tri­bu­tions from renowned font de­sign­ers like Zuzanna Licko, Erik van Block­land/​Just van Rossum and Gün­ter Ger­hard Lange.