Spital Linth

Building Wayfinding System

Pa­tients and guests must feel that they are in good hands in a hos­pi­tal and ori­en­ta­tion con­tributes to this. The Linth Hos­pi­tal in East­ern Switzer­land, be­tween Lake Zurich and Lake Walen, is an im­por­tant med­ical con­tact point with a con­stantly grow­ing num­ber of vis­i­tors. With the plan­ning of an ex­ten­sion build­ing with mod­ern ex­am­i­na­tion and treat­ment ar­eas, it be­came clear that the clinic needed a new, com­pre­hen­sive ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem. Moni­teurs de­vel­oped a con­cept for the new build­ing man­age­ment sys­tem with the guid­ing idea “In­ner life”.

Spi­tal Linth
Building Wayfinding System

Uz­nach, Schweiz 2019

Spi­tal Linth
Ar­rived: Tar­get iden­ti­fi­ca­tion for pa­tients and vis­i­tors.
Wayfind­ing: A level overview with level plan for all el­e­va­tors.
A com­plete fam­ily of pic­tograms was spe­cially de­vel­oped for the Linth Hos­pi­tal. The fo­cus here is on the pa­tient. Ar­eas where pa­tients feel com­fort­able such as lounge rooms, wait­ing ar­eas and the restau­rant are marked with large pic­tograms.

The concept “inner life” is a game with the layered materials glass and foil. By cutting out the white foil one can look into the “inside” – the sign becomes spatial, the corporate colour turquoise shines. This is at the same time a material implementation that reflects the brand values of the hospital: open and patient-oriented.

In the en­trance area there is a large overview map of the en­tire build­ing with all pos­si­ble ways through the floors.