Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung

Building Signage System

The new head­quar­ter of the DGUV (Ger­man So­cial Ac­ci­dent In­sur­ance), de­signed by Grün­tuch Ernst Ar­chitek­ten, is lo­cated in the cen­tre of Berlin. Moni­teurs de­signed the build­ing ori­en­ta­tion sig­nage for its con­fer­ence rooms, re­cep­tion area, of­fice spaces and the un­der­ground carpark. Moni­teurs re­alised the en­tire sig­nage in glass – es­pe­cially de­vel­oped for the DGUV, highly re­lated to the cor­po­rate iden­tity.

Build­ing Sig­nage Sys­tem

Berlin 2014

Deutsche Geset­zliche Un­fal­lver­sicherung e.V.

Grün­tuch Ernst Ar­chitek­ten BDA

10,600 sqm

Ste­fan Schilling

II­IDAward 2015 Health­care, bronze

The holding gesture of the logo was subtly transferred to the concept for the signage. Round-shaped, high-quality glass with a blue edge transform the logo into the space. General maps, direction signs, doorplates and pictograms were individually developed for the DGUV. The signage system, with the focus on barrier-free design, structures the 10,000 sqm multi-levelled building, certified in gold by the German Sustainable Building Council.