Rehazentrum Bad Pyrmont

Building Orientation System

Good ori­en­ta­tion is im­por­tant in a clinic, so that pa­tients and guests can feel safe and se­cure. How­ever, clin­ics of­ten, over many years, ac­cu­mu­late into an en­sem­ble of build­ings, and nav­i­gat­ing through them is not easy. At the re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion clinic of Bad Pyr­mont, the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem needed to con­nect re­con­structed and newly de­vel­oped build­ing sec­tions through a uni­fied con­cept. Moni­teurs chose the theme of move­ment as a leit­mo­tif – a key el­e­ment of any re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion ther­apy. Pic­tograms and signs re­ceived rounded cor­ners and a dy­namic de­sign. Every part of the build­ing was as­signed a unique con­cept with an eas­ily recog­nis­able mo­tif. Thus, the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem re­in­forces the new pos­i­tive sense of space and be­comes the link be­tween the old and new parts of the build­ing com­plex.

Bad Pyr­mont Clinic
Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem

Bad Pyr­mont 2008

Deutsche Renten­ver­sicherung Braun­schweig-Han­nover

mm ar­chitek­ten – mar­tin a. müller

Mar­cus Bredt
By slightly off­set­ting them, even the signs are in mo­tion, show­ing dif­fer­ent di­rec­tions.
As­so­ci­at­ing parts of the build­ings with terms such as “Sun House” and “Villa” evoke pos­i­tive con­no­ta­tions. Each term has been trans­lated into a pic­togram and can be found on the map, on the signs and on the walls.