Vision Plus 2014: Transforming Information

Airport Pictograms

The lec­ture given by Sibylle Schlaich and Heike Nehl at the Vi­sion Plus Con­fer­ence of the IIID (In­ter­na­tional In­sti­tute for In­for­ma­tion De­sign) in Vi­enna is about de­sign­ing pic­tograms within an in­ter­na­tional and his­tor­i­cal con­text. Pic­tograms are an im­por­tant part of com­mu­ni­ca­tion at an air­port in that they help to over­come lan­guage bar­ri­ers. They in­flu­ence the vi­sual iden­tity, be­cause they com­mu­ni­cate in a lan­guage which fits to each par­tic­u­lar air­port and coun­try. It is in­ter­est­ing how their mo­tifs, aside from the de­sign and char­ac­ter­is­tics, al­ways change to match the needs and cir­cum­stances. Stan­dards, DIN stan­dards and test pro­ce­dures help to check and to stan­dard­ise com­pre­hen­si­bil­ity and rec­og­niz­abil­ity.

Air­port Pic­tograms
Lec­ture on the Vi­sion Plus 2014 Con­fer­ence

Wien 2014


IIID – In­ter­na­tional In­sti­tute for In­for­ma­tion De­sign
A com­par­i­son of the pic­tograms of big in­ter­na­tional air­ports shows that the same mo­tif can have an en­tirely dif­fer­ent char­ac­ter.
The his­tory of air­port pic­tograms goes back to the 1960s, when avi­a­tion was boom­ing and the de­mand for in­ter­na­tional, un­der­stand­able pic­tograms in­creased.
The pic­togram for the san­i­tary ar­eas at air­ports is uni­fied. The heads are mostly cir­cu­lar.
For the pictogram family for the guidance system at Berlin Brandenburg Airport, Moniteurs designed the head in the shape of an “O” in order to strongly align it with the font.