© Vi­su­al­iza­tion: Eike Be­cker Ar­chi­tects

The Grid – Green Orientation

Wayfinding for business courtyards in Kreuzberg

Di­rectly in the neigh­bour­hood of the Auf­bau Haus in Berlin-Kreuzberg, an busi­ness court­yard for the work of to­mor­row is be­ing built. THE GRID, de­signed by Eike Becker Ar­chi­tects, of­fers 32 com­mer­cial units on five floors, as well as an invit­ing, green in­ner court­yard. The mod­ern build­ing wayfind­ing sys­tem is de­signed and planned by Moni­teurs, com­mis­sioned by the real es­tate com­pany Pan­dion.