
This way > Search, find, guide

Project at the HBKsaar

To­gether with Prof. In­dra Kupfer­schmid, Sibylle Schlaich is teach­ing at the Hochschule der Bilden­den Kün­ste Saar this win­ter se­mes­ter. Signs, slips of pa­per, signs in­di­cate where we are or where we should go. Al­ready from one copy we have to think about how it looks, where it hangs, whom it should ad­dress, and where it points. How does guid­ing work? What are the types – and qual­i­ties – of paths? In this pro­ject, we will dis­cuss ori­en­ta­tion, signs and guid­ance sys­tems, lend a hand our­selves and de­sign an in­di­vid­ual wayfind­ing sys­tem.