
Wettbewerb in den USA gewonnen

Moniteurs plans wayfinding system in Indianapolis

We are part of the team led by New York-based civil en­gi­neer­ing firm sbp and ar­chi­tec­ture firm PAU that com­peted along­side 33 de­sign teams. The US “16 Tech Com­mu­nity Cor­po­ra­tion“ fa­vored our team. In ad­di­tion to a bridge that con­nects the newly emerg­ing “16 Tech In­no­va­tion Dis­trict“ with the na­tion­ally im­por­tant re­search lo­ca­tion of In­di­anapo­lis, the de­vel­op­ment of a path and guid­ance con­cept for the en­tire dis­trict is also com­mis­sioned.