Berlin ExpoCenter City

Leit- und Orientierungssystem

Messe Berlin is one of the largest trade fairs in Ger­many, with 170,000m² of hall ex­hi­bi­tion space and an out­door area of 100,000m². The site and build­ing struc­ture, which has grown over decades, of­fers an ex­cit­ing, city-like en­vi­ron­ment that of­fers vis­i­tors high an ex­pe­ri­en­tial char­ac­ter.

Moni­teurs de­vel­oped a com­pre­hen­sive ori­en­ta­tion con­cept, which is in­te­grated into Sub-pro­jects, such as the plan­ning of dig­i­tal sig­nage, the event app for vis­i­tors and the con­cept for cur­rent and fu­ture struc­tural re­design of the site.

Mes­se Ber­lin
Wayfind­ing and Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem
In­door and Out­door

Berlin since 2019


Messe Berlin GmbH

180.000 m² 28 partly multi-storey hallcom­plexes

1100 regional, national and international own and guest events, 2,000,000 visitors per year
Hybrid hardware above a hall entrance featuring both analog and digital wayfinding, as well as dynamic event information.

A consistent, holistically designed guidance system was created for both the interior and exterior areas. Visitors are seamlessly guided through the exhibition grounds, regardless of nationality, experience, requirements, or goals.

The new guidance system offers high flexibility both in terms of content and structure, simplifying the management of the branded signage across approximately 1,230 signage locations. This ensures optimal support for the over 100 events held annually.

A family of pictograms adapted to the characteristics of the typeface.

The curves of the heads are derived from the “o” of the Millbank typeface. A nearly complete avoidance of sharp, tapering corners ensures readability from oblique viewing angles.
Six landmarks provide visitors with quick orientation.
Schematic site overview map

To assist with orientation on the grounds, Moniteurs developed a simplified representation of the heterogeneous structural layout through a schematic depiction – the Connector Map. Hall connections are made visible, while buildings, transitions, stairwells, and intermediate areas are visually separated, enabling a quick understanding of the site. The Connector Map is used both in analog and digital formats.