Sibylle Schlaich

While study­ing Vi­sual Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the HfG Uni­ver­sity of De­sign Schwäbisch Gmünd and at the Berlin Uni­ver­sity of the Arts, Sibylle Schlaich gained ex­pe­ri­ence from Otl Aicher at Ro­tis, from the GGK in Frank­furt am Main and from Henry Steiner in Hong Kong. Af­ter grad­u­at­ing, she worked at MetaDe­sign in Berlin. In 1994 she co-founded Moni­teurs – De­sign of Ana­log and Dig­i­tal Me­dia. Since 2003, to­gether with her part­ners, she has led Moni­teurs GmbH – Com­mu­ni­ca­tion De­sign, with a fo­cus on in­for­ma­tion de­sign and cor­po­rate de­sign.

Since 2000, she has taught in the fields of Vi­sual Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, In­for­ma­tion De­sign and Ty­pog­ra­phy, among oth­ers, at the FH Biele­feld Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences, the Uni­ver­sity of Art and De­sign Halle and the Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity in Weimar, and she has been a guest pro­fes­sor at the CDK, the Chi­ne­sisch Deutschen Kun­stakademie (Chi­nese Ger­man Acad­emy of the Arts) in Hangzhou. She has given nu­mer­ous talks both at home and abroad, such as the in­ter­na­tional de­sign con­fer­ence TYPO Berlin, she has spo­ken at the event Creative Mornings and at the con­fer­ence Face2­Face. She has also been a jury mem­ber of var­i­ous se­lec­tion pan­els.

Sibylle Schlaich is the co-au­thor of the books 1:1 Orientation, Signage, Identity, Look Book In­for­ma­tion­de­sign (pub­lished by Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity Weimar) and emotional digital – A Sourcebook of Contemporary Typographics (Ver­lag Her­mann Schmidt Mainz), and Erneuer­bare En­ergien nutzen (Us­ing Re­new­able En­ergy) (Werner Ver­lag).

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