
Footbridge Conference

Communication – digital and anolog

On Sep­tem­ber 6th it starts and the prepa­ra­tions for the con­fer­ence go full-speed. Posters and wayfind­ing are hang up, the web­site has grown. In the run-up, par­tic­i­pants from all over the world have in­tro­duced ideas for new pedes­trian bridges in Berlin, city of wa­ter. This pre­cious col­lec­tion of 73 se­lected bridge de­signs is pub­lished in a book, de­signed by Moni­teurs. Every­one has the pos­si­bil­ity with „Bridgefinder”, a web-app spe­cially de­signed for the con­fer­ence of Moni­teurs to ex­plore these bridge. Good luck to the bridge builders!
To the project