Technische Universität Berlin

Footbridge Conference 2017

The in­ter­na­tional con­fer­ence Foot­bridge, or­gan­ised by the head of the de­part­ment of “De­sign and Con­struc­tion – Solid Con­struc­tion” of the TU Berlin, in­vites bridge builders from all over the world to ex­change their per­spec­tives and ideas and to learn from each other. With “Tell a Story”, the con­fer­ence par­tic­i­pants were in­vited to sub­mit their thoughts on pedes­trian bridges. The nu­mer­ous “sto­ries” were pub­lished in the con­fer­ence reader. Moni­teurs has de­signed a com­pletely new look, which has been im­ple­mented in dig­i­tal and ana­logue in­for­ma­tional ma­te­ri­als such as the Bridge Finder app, web­site, bill­boards, a pro­gram guide and wayfind­ing sys­tem for the sixth con­fer­ence.

Foot­bridge 2017
Cor­po­ra­te De­sign

Ber­lin 2017

Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin
Large ban­ner with the keyvi­su­als
In a book de­signed by Moni­teurs, the 76 de­sign con­tri­bu­tions pre­sented at the con­fer­ence, for foot­bridges in six lo­ca­tions in Berlin, were pub­lished by Jo­vis Ver­lag.
The col­lec­tion of 73 se­lected bridge de­signs was also de­picted and de­scribed in the Bridge-Finder mi­crosite.