
Building Wayfinding System

An ex­ten­sion of the build­ing wayfind­ing sys­tem was re­quired for Char­ité’s core ren­o­vated and com­pletely mod­ernised Bet­ten­haus and the con­struc­tion of a new build­ing for surg­eries, and in­ten­sive care and emer­gency ser­vices. At first, Moni­teurs was com­mis­sioned to un­der­take an analy­sis. This was fol­lowed by de­vel­op­ing the fa­cade mark­ing of the new emer­gency ser­vices build­ing, the de­vel­op­ment of a com­plete new fam­ily of pic­tograms, the vi­sual guid­ance el­e­ments in the build­ing’s lobby as well as the el­e­va­tor rooms of the 21 floors of the high-rise Bet­ten­haus. The scope of works also in­cluded large-area wall ap­pli­ca­tions for the lobby and wait­ing area.

Build­ing Wayfind­ing Sys­tem
Berlin 2016/​17


Char­ité – Uni­ver­sitätsmedi­zin Berlin

Pro­gram­ming Dig­i­tal Sig­nage



Ste­fan Schilling
The main en­trance to the emer­gency cen­tre is con­spic­u­ously marked and recog­nis­able from afar, as it is some­what in­con­spic­u­ous in con­trast to ac­cess if you are brought by am­bu­lance.
Moniteurs GmbH Berlin: Leitsystem Charité Berlin
Large-scale wall ap­pli­ca­tions with learned pic­tograms help the pa­tient or vis­i­tor quickly with the first ori­en­ta­tion – whether on en­ter­ing the foyer or in the wait­ing area of the Char­ité.
The spa­cious, dig­i­tal build­ing overview can im­me­di­ately re­flect any change in the build­ing, i.e., it is al­ways up to date. The three-di­men­sional pre­sen­ta­tion cre­ates a spa­tial ori­en­ta­tion for vis­i­tors and pa­tients, in ad­di­tion to di­rec­tional signs.
Moniteurs GmbH Berlin: Leitsystem Charité Berlin
For the Char­ité, a com­plete fam­ily pic­togram was de­vel­oped, with med­ical or hos­pi­tal op­er­at­ing pic­tograms and ser­vice pic­tograms.
The architect colour-coded the levels. As a con­nect­ing el­e­ment, Moni­teurs has de­vel­oped strik­ing lev­els for the el­e­va­tor vestibules, which con­tain not only the Ara­bic num­ber but also points that rep­re­sent both the to­tal num­ber of lev­els and, on the other hand, filled in as colour, the level in which the pa­tient or vis­i­tor is lo­cated.