
Orientation System

The CityQuartier Do­mAquarée with a to­tal rental space of 71,000 sqm is lo­cated in the his­toric cen­tre of Berlin, op­po­site the Berlin Cathe­dral. In ad­di­tion to many shops and a va­ri­ety of restau­rants, there are apart­ments, flex­i­ble of­fice spaces and a four-star ho­tel. Moni­teurs was com­mis­sioned by Bil­fin­ger Real Es­tate to de­velop a new sig­nage sys­tem for out­door use.

Dom Aquarée
Ori­en­ta­tion Sys­tem Out­door Area

Ber­lin 2016

Bil­fin­ger Real Es­ta­te

71.000 sqm

Ste­fan Schil­ling
Stele with de­tailed map of the area, lo­ca­tion and list of all ten­ants.
Ad­ver­tis­ing stele with a list of all ten­ants.
The Do­mAquarée com­bines the three ar­eas of gas­tron­omy, shop­ping and en­ter­tain­ment.