schlaich bergermann partner

Corporate Design

Within the vi­sual con­cept for the in­ter­na­tional en­gi­neer­ing con­sul­tants schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner, words like con­struc­tion and com­plex­ity ver­sus sim­plic­ity are el­e­men­tary. The logo rep­re­sents schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner clearly, mem­o­rably and with con­fi­dence. The logo, three geo­met­ri­cally con­structed and char­ac­ter­is­tic let­ters, makes a bold state­ment. The name, along with its ab­bre­vi­a­tion, uniquely moulds the brand.
The en­ergy in the de­sign of the pre­sent logo ra­di­ates light­ness, vi­sion, pre­ci­sion and tech­nol­ogy, in both ana­logue and dig­i­tal forms. The logo will pre­serve its style, as it is no longer tied to the text. The swing of the let­ters is free and grace­ful. Logo – word mark and let­ter­ing, mo­men­tum, text and colour to­gether cre­ate the new cor­po­rate de­sign.

schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner
Cor­po­rate De­sign

Re­launch 2015

Logo Busi­ness Sta­tionery Ex­hi­bi­tion Cat­a­logues Pub­li­ca­tions Im­age Ad­ver­tis­ing ebook


schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner GmbH since 1994