Creative Mornings

Signage for Airports – Identity and Function

Cre­ative Morn­ings is a monthly morn­ing lec­ture se­ries. Be­gun in New York, it is now held in var­i­ous places around the world. By cre­atives, for cre­atives or in­ter­ested in­di­vid­u­als. In Berlin, Cre­ative Morn­ings is or­gan­ised by Jür­gen Siebert from Fontshop. In Jan­u­ary 2012, Moni­teurs was in­vited to talk about the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem they de­signed for the new Berlin Bran­den­burg Air­port. The group, lim­ited to 25 peo­ple, had the plea­sure of be­ing per­son­ally guided through the new air­port build­ing. The talk took place at the gate.

Si­gna­ge for Air­ports – Iden­ti­tät und Funk­ti­on
Talk for
Crea­ti­ve Mornings


or­ga­nized by Jür­gen Siebert, Fontshop AG
Hei­ke Nehl, Si­byl­le Schlaich and Isolde Frey wel­come the many vis­i­tors from the cre­ative de­sign scene in Berlin.
Sibylle Schlaich and Heike Nehl, at Gate 15 of the Berlin Bran­den­burg Air­port dur­ing the Cre­ative Morn­ings Talk.