Ärzte ohne Grenzen


“Médecins Sans Frontières contributes to providing medical aid to people in need and alleviating their suffering when local health structures are no longer effective due to natural disasters or man-made crises.” This is how Médecins Sans Frontières defines its field of activity. All aid projects are financed exclusively by donations. To inform donors about what happens with their money, there is the magazine AKUT. Published every three months, it is an up-to-date, important communication medium that is produced cost-effectively and sent by post. Photos provide an emotional introduction to the reports, which are presented in a clear and informative way. The design is based on clear principles.

Ärzte ohne Gren­zen


Ärzte ohne Gren­zen e.V.
seit 2000

Cor­po­ra­te De­sign Award 2008