Märkisches Viertel

City Wayfinding System

Märkisches Vier­tel is an ur­ban quar­ter in Berlin, a large hous­ing es­tate with al­most 40,000 res­i­dents, cov­er­ing a space of 3.2 square km, the ori­en­ta­tion of which is dif­fi­cult. In 2006, Moni­teurs worked closely with this city dis­trict and de­vel­oped, un­der con­tract of Gesobau AG, an ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem for sev­eral groups of apart­ment blocks. In 2013, the dis­trict au­thor­ity of Reinick­endorf held a com­pe­ti­tion to de­velop a new ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem, which Moni­teurs won. Dur­ing the ini­tial phase, Moni­teurs con­sulted closely with the Berlin of­fice PSY:PLAN, so that the pro­ject would achieve suc­cess both ar­chi­tec­turally and in terms of psy­cho­log­i­cal per­cep­tion.

Mär­ki­sches Vier­tel
City Wayfinding System

Ber­lin 2016

Be­zirks­amt Ber­lin Rei­ni­cken­dorf

3,2 qkm

Moniteurs developed a typographic concept with high recognition and recall value. The hierarchy of the destination points is achieved through the contrast of regular and bold text, quickly distinguished from each other, and longer and shorter distances, and the time taken to travers them, are easily discernible. To renew, to expand and to build on the existing structures – that was the basic concept, since in the previous few years numerous different columns in various colours had been erected for the housing group Gesobau AG.

The rad­i­cally re­duced overview plan with a five minute ra­dius marks not only the des­ti­na­tions of pub­lic in­ter­est along the street, but also fo­cuses strongly on green spaces, there to in­crease the at­trac­tion and qual­ity of life for res­i­dents. The net­work of paths is fur­ther clar­i­fied with a high­lighted colour – the quar­ter cut up into small, as­cer­tain­able parts.
Moni­teurs has in­di­vid­u­ally tai­lored a va­ri­ety of pic­tograms to Märkisches Vier­tel – match­ing the round shapes of the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem and re­fined ty­pog­ra­phy, to cre­ate a con­tem­po­rary iden­tity.
The overview plan is a cen­tral com­po­nent of the ori­en­ta­tion sys­tem and is also re­alised as a poster and lo­cated in pub­lic build­ings and in­sti­tu­tions of Märkisches Vier­tel.