schlaich bergermann partner


schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner are not only civil en­gi­neers of the high­est cal­i­bre. Their scope of work also in­cludes the de­vel­op­ment of tech­nolo­gies for re­new­able en­ergy pro­duc­tion and re­search in the field of new ma­te­ri­als and their ap­pli­ca­tion in con­struc­tion. Moni­teurs as­sisted in the re­brand­ing of sbp schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner and cre­ated a new vi­sual iden­tity, in­clud­ing In­ter­net pres­ence, in close co­op­er­a­tion with the client and de­vel­op­ers. A wide data­base so­lu­tion with di­verse fil­ter func­tions makes it pos­si­ble to eas­ily find out about the var­i­ous pro­jects in all the fields of work. Sim­plic­ity with the high­est tech­ni­cal and aes­thetic stan­dards – these are re­flected on the web­site, which was re­designed in the course of the im­age re­launch.

schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner
Web­site De­sign


schlaich berg­er­mann part­ner gmbh
since 1994


an­ders und sehr GmbH
Discreet animations of the large-format images create an impressive entry into the website. Structures are located on a map in the project pages. Various templates for the website areas allow for simple backend maintenance of the content by the engineering office itself.