Filmgalerie 451

Media Design

The Film­ga­lerie 451 pro­duces, pub­lishes and de­liv­ers “dar­ing” films. As oblique, ex­per­i­men­tal and un­usual as the movies is the de­sign of the cover. The de­mand: work out the char­ac­ter of the film vi­su­ally. The rows have a dis­tinc­tive ty­po­graphic de­sign; the use of colour and im­age, with con­stants and vari­ables within the se­ries, hap­pen con­sciously and have al­lowed a 451 base lan­guage to de­velop. The Film­ga­lerie 451 was rep­re­sented at the 2014 Berli­nale by 4 films.

Film­ga­le­rie 451
Cor­po­rate De­sign

Logo Busi­ness sta­tionery
Film posters
DVD cov­ers
Film web­sites

Berlin 2010

Film­ga­lerie 451
since 1994