Hochgebirgsklinik Davos

Corporate Design

The high al­ti­tude clinic in Davos is a treat­ment cen­tre as well as an al­lergy re­search and clinic cam­pus. The spe­cial­ist hos­pi­tal and re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion clinic has an ex­cel­lent rep­u­ta­tion for the treat­ment of al­ler­gies, res­pi­ra­tory dis­eases and dis­eases of the lungs, skin and eyes. In 2007, Moni­teurs cre­ated the cor­po­rate de­sign – with a re­design of the logo and a brochure con­cept for pub­li­ca­tions for en­tirely dif­fer­ent tar­get groups.

Hochge­birgsklinik Davos
Cor­po­rate De­sign

Busi­ness sta­tionery
Pic­togram fam­ily

Davos, Switzer­land 2007

Stiftung Hochge­birgsklinik Davos
In­for­ma­tion brochures for doc­tors and pa­tients, for adults and their chil­dren.
The sta­tionery has a clas­sic de­sign.