Bauwerk Verlag

Guide for Engineers

“This book is for all those in­ter­ested in civic en­gi­neer­ing and its ef­fects on peo­ple and na­ture. Writ­ten in the style of a travel guide, it in­spires the reader to visit the sites.” (from the pro­logue). A 700-page ref­er­ence work – this book is the first of its kind. In a handy size pa­per­back for­mat, the book is de­signed for the read­er’s con­ve­nience. It fea­tures a pro­tec­tive plas­tic cover, the con­tent is or­gan­ised us­ing in­dex di­viders and a map with each site is marked us­ing a cus­tom-de­signed pic­togram fam­ily. Moni­teurs de­signed and pro­duced the en­tire edi­tion.

Guide for En­gi­neers
Book De­sign

Bauw­erk Ver­lag, 1999

J. Schlaich, M. Schüller

Cham­ber of En­gi­neers,